Festival Website
The Wimborne Beer Festival is back! After the previous year of suffocating indoors with lock-down, we are taking to the fields once again for the latest and greatest Wimborne beer festival including live music, traders and of COURSE the finest BEER!
The gates will be flung wide open on Friday the 5th of August at 10am and will stay open until 4pm on Sunday 7th with camping space for those who simply can’t tear themselves away from the action.
Immediately upon taking on this festival website request we were faced with a daunting deadline, but we completed the brief in good time with exceptional feedback from the organisers.
Also included in the project brief was a certain amount of graphic work, including custom illustrations and photo editing & manipulation.
Feedback from the organisers:
“We can’t thank you enough, the site looks amazing and to go live this early is far more than we expected.”
Project Specification Details
WordPress Custom Theme
Custom Illustrations
Block Editor