Affordable specialised logo design and business branding on a budget in Dorset.
Website Design 4 Dorset create individually designed logos and do not use stock images or copy existing images. We employ an in-house graphic artist to design your logo with many years experience in the field. We provide a simple and cost effective service so clients come away with a design which represents their company, branding and identity to full effect. Logo IDEAS Package, including the following; Production of several workable ideas, based on your initial consultation with regards to image, style and colour. You will then have the choice of the two logos and the opportunity to make changes to your chosen design.
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Logo Designers in Dorset
Graphic & Logo Design
Website Design 4 Dorset create individually designed logo’s and do not use stock images or copy existing images. We employ an in-house graphic artist with many year experience in the field providing a simple and cost effective service so clients can have a logo which represents their company, branding and identity to full effect.
Logo IDEAS Package, including the following;
- Production of two workable ideas, based on your initial consultation with regards to image, style and colour.
- You will then have the choice of the two logo’s and the opportunity to make changes to your chosen design.
- The final logo will be supplied to you in various formats which can be used for print and screen including vector, (adobe illustrator & png) & bitmapped formats,(jpeg, gif) or any other format upon request.
Below is a selection of logo designs showing how the project life cycle progresses through from the different design options presented to the client along with the chosen finalised Logo design.
Brent Jones
Finalised Logo Design
Brent Jones is a very talented photographer based locally in Wimborne. Brent approached us to create an innovative beautiful self-updateable website where he could present his photos to market his photography business and to allow his clients to login into a password protected area to access and download their photos. Brent is an unusual name and Brent pointed out to us that it is also a type of goose so he asked us to play with the idea within his logo. As you can see his finalised logo design incorporates a flying goose above the J of his name.

Finalised Logo Design
Solablaze came to us as a brand new company selling innovative heat and light solutions. The client already had an idea for their logo design that they wished to investigate. A photo of a lady appearing to hold the sun to her face was provided by the customer as they felt this image described their company and it’s products in a nutshell. WD4D used their in-house graphic design skills to recreate this image as a graphical format. The sun glow was thought to be successful so was presented to the client in various formats with the company name orbiting the sun . The final logo design was produced incorporating the lady and sun glow within the company name to replace the O in Solablaze.

Bournemouth Cycling Centre
Finalised Logo Design
Website Design 4 Dorset were approached and asked to create a website for the Bournemouth cycling velodrome. It was apparent that a logo was needed in order to successfully complete a compelling layout design. WD4D produced various options and the following designs were shortlisted. The colors used are the traditional velodrome colours, the finalised logo graphics represent the speed and movement of cyclists circulating an oval track

Ten Acre Livery
Finalised Logo Design
Ten Acre Livery came to us as a new start up company wanting a logo and branding for their new company. They wanted their new logo to contain a horse but also wanted to investigate possibly representing the whole life cycle of the horse, some how including a horse and foal in the final logo. We came up with various design options and as the logo was to be embroidered onto their staff uniforms we also provided the client with a mock-up/visual representation of the logo as embroidery to assist them in their final decision making.

Matrod Frampton
Finalised Logo Design
Matrod Frampton required a new website design to allow them the ability to update their portfolio area themselves so they came to Website Design 4 Dorset. They also felt as that as the business was expanding that it was time to look at redesigning their corporate ID and refresh their logo. Matrod Frampton were happy with the colours used within their existing logo so requested the colours remained the same. We created various possible design ideas which are shown below but as you can see they went for a very clean modern stylised house with their MF letters.